Tuesday 24 April 2007

shopping, cooking, driving, gardening, walking, eating, drinking

lots of active verbs and lots of activity over the next week.

The weather was great.

We found the 2 crumblettes who got misplaced on their walk back from Nyons on the first day.

They are loving the walking. Walking in in this area of Provence is amazing. We are compiling our own book of local walks for all walking abilities, and for different times of the year.

Never believe someone who says that crumblettes don't eat much. They will eat everything that you put in front of them. And be very appreciative, which is great.

And along with everything else, Jean continued to transform the garden ... last remnants of rubble was cleared, plants were bought and planted, including roses, lavenders and a variety of shrubs.

And we eat the first radishes from my vegetable plot.

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