Friday, 5 June 2009

Ouch - the cost of a motorised pool cover

The pool cover is great - it's safe, it keeps the pool clean, and - most importantly - the greenhouse effect helps heat the water up, and stops it cooling down at night.

OK - swimming for 15 minutes at 15 degrees on the 15 of March this year was a bit excessive. But the temperature of the water has been well into the 20s since early April. Actually, during the recent heat wave (temperatures in the 30s for a week) the water has been too warm.

However, the cover also has its disadvantages. Mainly that it's heavy, and needs 2 people to push it open and shut. And that's not that easy an job even with 2. For 1 person it's almost impossible.

So - it's got to be motorised. But you could almost buy a small car for the cost.

Do you think I can start to charge visitors a pool cover motor service charge?