Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Art and Music and Culture in Provence 2008

Why not combine a trip to Le Colombier with some of the best cultural events of Southern France? Highlights - within an easy 2 hour drive - include:

Aix-en-Provence Festival: classical opera and concerts, 27 June - 23 July 2008. Operas include work by Wagner, Mozart and Handel. Bookings open 3rd July - so get out your diary and start planning now.

The annual Avignon festival even has its own fringe. Running in July, you'll find all the details posted in the new year.

The Jazz festival at Crest (vocals) will be held between the 3rd and the 9th August 2008.

Sunday, 9 December 2007

5 years on: and new for 2008

You read it here first! It's time to get your bookings in for next summer as we are planning - finally - to get a swimming pool installed. It will have a sliding mini-greenhouse style cover (to conform to security requirements, but with the added bonus of water that's at least 6 degrees warmer than with just an ordinary cover). It might even have a jacuzzi! So watch this space for news of progress.

Also, Sebastian is powering ahead and converting the final outhouse into a fully wheelchair / disabled friendly studio gite.

Christmas in Provence

In London, you had to book your online supermarket delivery slot for Christmas by the beginning of December. Luckily - no such problems in Nyons. Don't want to cook - how about lunch on Christmas Day at the Petit Caveau? Or if you're at Le Colombier and want a supermarket-free time, and want to make sure you eat the best of the local produce? Here are some ideas for 2007.

You can order your foie gras, or home-smoked salmon, or scallops, or a variety of poultry from Laurent at the Petit Caveau (Nyons finest not Tesco finest)(for more details on ordering, and the Christmas and New Year menus, see the Petit Caveau website).

And although the usual weekly market in Nyons is on a Thursday - fear not. All the local "traiteurs" and producers will be running a special Christmas market all weekend this year. For more information I've just discovered the Pays de Nyons website (English and French) that looks as though it is being regularly updated with local information and dates. It's also on the links - so check it out before you arrive so you can make the most of your trip.

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Travelling the world from my computer screen

Although Provence is a place where we keep in touch with traditions, local food, local wine, and under the local sun - whatever the season, it's also my place of work for the time when I'm there. I'm very grateful that modern technologies enable me to work remotely, both from my team, and my clients. And with mobile phones, computers and the world wide web, I'm never more than an email or phone call or social network away from them.

Who could have thought even 10 years ago that I could be running a programme on managing virtual teams with participants in Argentina, Brazil and Puerto Rico, with my co-facilitator in the UK, and looking out of my Chateau Colombier windows at the mountains around me.

Who says you can't have your cake and eat it?